Baby Raccoons

Baby Raccoons

County Animal Control

608 259 6515

Raccoon pup


Typically the raccoon species will mate from late January and mid-March. Two to five baby raccoons are typically born in each litter! Baby raccoons are born blind and deaf and usually dont start to hear or see until 18 to 26 days after birth. If you have a raccoon issue and suspect babies living in your attic feel free to contact County Animal Control to assist you!


Baby Raccoons

Momma raccoon wants to find a safe place to breed her young and get through the early stages of her kits’ lives safely and successfully. In many cases that safe place just happens to be in your home! Raccoons are well known for finding their way into residential homes to have their litter. Baby raccoons tend to be quite noisy (just as a human baby would). In many cases the mother will go out to retrieve meals and she makes no return due to fatal accidents or enemies higher up the food chain. When the mother raccoon is not around, the screaming and crying of a baby will typically increase. Now you have baby raccoons living in your attic that are not capable of retrieving food for themselves or even move on their own in some cases. If you experience noises coming from your attic that may sound like crying baby raccoons, it would be smart to jump on getting those babies out. In any case, babies left on their own or the mother and the babies taking over your attic, County Animal Control provides services in removal of raccoons and does a great job on removing the mother raccoon and the whole little together, and releasing them together so they are able to continue their lives elsewhere!

For assistance in removing raccoons from your property feel free to contact County Animal Control!

608 259 6515

County Animal Control

Its Winter time and for some of you it may be time to get rid of raccoons! If you are experiencing raccoon issues at any time of the year, we can help! Getting rid of raccoons or raccoon removal work should not be procrastinated and should be taken very seriously as the raccoon issue can only worsen. Call County Animal Control to get rid of your raccoon issues. 608-259-6515 for getting rid of raccoons and raccoon removal services.